Popular Places to visit in Russia

Russia is the world's largest country with 11 time zones. The diversity and culture of this country are unique and it has plenty of options for its guests. This Asian country has high mountains, a barren island, a mesmerizing environment, a coastline, historical monuments, deep frozen lakes, a volcano, and many more. This socialist country is also home to some renowned politicians of the world.

Russia is a perfect destination for tourists who have wide interest, especially in the fields of the nation’s art and legacy. This country has its rich history and it is full of exceptional experiences. The massive fort, old catholic churches with ancient architecture, a historical city like St. Petersburg, opera houses, a historical city such as Moscow, the list of such touristy places is endless. Restaurants of Soviet-era architecture are scattered across the streets of Russia, where tourists get a fusion of old and new culture and cuisine. Apart from that the Russian cuisine will add stars to your trip and make it challenging for you to ignore. Here, we have mentioned famous tourist spots and cuisines of Russia. Make sure to go through this.

Get Here Popular Places to Visit in Russia

Republic of Dagestan

The Republic of Dagestan is an offbeat destination in Russia. This place is a culturally unique and stunning region of Russia. Dagestan means the Land of Mountains, and if you are someone who wants to explore the diversity of the huge country, then this could be the perfect starting place for you. This place has its myths and stories and it is believed that Dagestan is a dangerous place to visit in Russia due to the political movement in the area. But visitors can take the general safety measure and with prior planning, this could be a rewarding experience for you.

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Yekaterinburg is the largest industrial city in Russia located in the Ural mountains. This city is among the prominent places in history due to the Russian Revolution. Yekaterinburg is the same place where the Last Tsar of Russia along with his family was executed.  If you are a history buff, this place will excite you as you can witness several monuments related to the Russian Revolution. This city is also home to a thriving theatre and dance scene. Apart from that Yekaterinburg is home to more than 30 interesting museums and some of them hold ancient antiquities of ancient Russian. If you are in the city you can plan a day trip to this town such as Kirillov’s house and you can go on a nature trip in the mountains.

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Kamchatka Peninsula

Kamchatka peninsula is a land full of cast volcanoes, and natural formations such as geysers and fountains. This peninsula is the habitat of Bears and you are here in Kamchatka, you will find that this place is a picturesque location of the natural beauty of Russia. You can find several treks and camping location on this peninsula which makes it an ideal spot for those who want to disconnect themselves from the outside world and wants a deep dive into nature.
You can use Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky City as your base camp and further explore this peninsula from there. One can also have a seafood delicacy such as Kamchatka Crabs.

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Vladimir and Suzdal

Located in close vicinity to others Vladimir and Suzdal are a part of a cluster among the Golden Ring city around Moscow. Vladimir used to be the capital of the ancient Russian empire while Suzdal had great historical importance which extended the sense of heritage through the number of ancient churches found here. Wooden houses, old monasteries, and large churches are the major sightseeing options in the city.

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 Sochi in Russia

Located at the base of the Caucasus Mountains and on the Black Sea, Sochi is one of the top places in Russia to visit. This city is famous for its beach resort and was a Russian winter vacation spot before the Winter Olympics of 2014. Sochi became famous after that and later it became a seasonal tourist destination. In the summer season, tourists can enjoy swimming in the water and they can also do adventurous sports like skiing in the winter. Mount Akhun, Olympic Park, Rosa Khutor Ski Resort, Stalin Dacha and Vorontsovka are well-known tourist attractions in the city. So, if you are planning to visit Sochi and want to make it memorable, then make sure to include these tourist places in your bucket list.

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 Lake Baikal, Siberia in Russia

Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and it attracts millions of tourists every year due to clean air and breathtaking environment. This place is one of the most stunning and pure places in Russia to visit. If you are in the Siberian region, then Lake Baikal is one of the most famous tourist destinations. You can find numerous resorts surrounding the Baikal lake and it gives you an excellent holiday experience. If you are someone who loves cold weather and winter trips, then this place is highly recommendable for you as the Baikal Lake freezes in winter in its unique pattern due to the high oxygen level in the air. You can find a natural hot spring where you can relax for a while and you can do ice skating and skiing. So, in order to make your holiday memorable, make sure to add this place to your list.

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Red Square in Russia

Located in the center of Moscow, Red Square is one of the most breathtaking vistas in Russia. Red in older Russian refers to beauty and since it is a magnificent square, this place derives its name from there that is Red Plaza. One can find beautiful museums, churches, and old administrative structures around this gorgeous area. Due to its rich culture, ancient heritage, and history, Red Square attracts millions of tourists every year from all corners of the globe. The Kremlin Wall, Lenin Mausoleum, Iberian Gate, State Hall Museum of Russia, City Hall, and Kazan Cathedral are some famous landmarks of Red Square. So, If you want to make your trip memorable, make sure to add this destination to your list as Red Square is one the famous tourist places to visit in Russia.

Manpupuner Rock Formations in Russia

One of the most impressive sites in Russia to visit is the Manpupuner Rock formation which is made up of strangely formed pillars. At first glance, these pillars resemble like the Easter Island Heads, and people believe that perhaps they are the creation of the Aliens. There are seven pillars and they are nothing else than a mystery to visitors. No one is believed to be certain of their origin. There are many stories related to its creation. Some believe that these pillars are created through natural process over the years while other believe that it was built by their ancestor for their religious purposes. People says that in ancient time it was a gathering spot for spirit. So, make sure to add this unique place to your list if you are in Russia.

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Petersburg in Russia

St. Petersburg is one of the most visited and excellent tourist destinations of Russia which top the list when it comes to footfalls. Unlike Red Square, this place is also known for its beautiful architectural locations. You can find gorgeous cathedrals, monuments, a State Museum, beautiful gardens, and a Huge mansion. One can find exotic dance bars, luxury hotels, and taverns at the corners of the streets. So, if you want to make your trip memorable, make sure to add this beautiful destination to your list.

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Suzdal in Russia

Suzdel is a medieval Russian city that is being preserved by its Government due to its historical importance. Suzdal will give you a scenario of ancient and medieval Russian architecture. Most of the resident in Suzdal resides in wooden dwelling and there are no contemporary structures in the city, You will get a picture of what Russia looked like in earlier times. One can find onion-shaped multicolored domes structures on the top of cathedrals and monasteries. If you are a history buff, then you should surely make a visit to Suzdal for its fascinating history, breathtaking scenery, and mesmerizing environment. So, if you want to make your trip memorable for a lifetime, then make sure to add this location to your list as Suzdal is one of the most famous tourist places to visit in Russia.

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Kazan in Russia

Kazan is a multicultural city in Russia where you can find people of all religions and cultures coexisting. This city is like any other megacity in India. This city is also home to a UNESCO designation World Heritage Site. The capital city of the Tatarstan region, this place is home to Islamic heritage and also incorporates orthodox Christianity. Tourists often make a visit to Kazan and admire the city's Kremlin. The gallery, churches, and the castle are the main attractions of the city. You can cover the streets of Kazan by paddling as you may find the hustling and bustling pedestrian street of Kazan packed with bookshops, cafes, and eateries.

So, if you want to make your trip memorable and enjoyable, make sure to add these places to your list, as Kazan is one of the famous tourist places to visit in Russia.

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Kuril islands

The uninhabited island of Russia, Onekotan is another famous tourist destination of Russia. The Krenitsyn volcano is located in the center of this island which is close to the lake. This volcano last erupted in the 1950’s and has been dormant since then. At Kuril Island, there are no available activities and one has to get government permission before visiting. Reaching here is not so easy but the beauty of the surroundings and the mesmerizing nature itself justify the struggle. So If you are in Russia, make sure to visit this Island as it is one of the most famous tourist places in Russia.

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 Altai in Russia

 Spread in the region of China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Russia, Siberian Altai Mountain is one of the highest peaks in Russia. In ancient times this place was home to several ethnic groups and tribes who were engaged in forestry and horse breeding. But now it is well well-developed and famous tourist tourism attraction for both residents and international tourists. The Altai mountain is a famous UNESCO World Heritage Site and it has natural lakes and reserves. Altai Mountain is a perfectly preserved beauty that attracts country visitors and other tourists for its outdoor activities in winter while hikers, trekkers, and climbers in summer seasons. You can also indulge yourself in unconventional activities like diving, cave exploring herb gathering. So, if you want to make your trip memorable make sure to visit this place as Altai Mountain is one of the famous tourist places to visit in Russia.

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Karelia in Russia

Karelia is a stunning area of land that stretches from the mouth of the White Sea to the Gulf of Finland and it is made up of glaciers. Karelia falls in the Europe continents where you can find cultures and ethnicities similar to European countries. This place is home to Lake Onega and Lake Ladoga which is the two biggest lakes of Europe. Karelia is a picturesque location with its nature best marvels vast lakes and beautiful highlands. This place is also famous for recreational activities like water rafting, trekking, sunbathing, boating, and horse riding due to its amazing outdoors. You can find several spa gateways in Karelia where you can refresh yourself. So, to make your trip memorable, make sure to visit this place as Karelia is one of the best places to visit in Russia.

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Moscow in Russia

Moscow is the capital city of Russia and that’s why most of the international airlines arrive here or at least they make their layover at Moscow. Therefore we believe that one should plan their trip in such a way that he/she may find some time to explore Moscow. This capital city is a fusion of historical artifacts and beautiful architecture. Kremlin, Red Square, and St. Basil Cathedral church are the major landmarks of this city from where you can start your vacation. If you want to eat local Russian cuisine and spend some leisure time while shopping around the city then the glass and steel-roofed shopping center GUM is the perfect location for you in the city. Even if you don’t want to buy expensive stuff, still you can make a visit to this market.

Moscow metro station is itself a great work of art and it is decorated with unique mosaic art, and glossy white and ceramic sculptures, which gives you an impression that you are entering into an underground castle. Mayakovskaya Metro Station and Kiyevskaya Metro Station is the two most stunning station in the city one has pink rhodonite columns and ceiling mosaic while the other is known for its white marble, murals, and magnificent artworks. So if you want to give your trip a unique taste, make sure to add this place to your list as Moscow is one of famous tourist places to visit in Russia.

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The Russian Tundra in Russia

If you are someone who loves winter vacation, then The Russian Tundra area is the perfect location for you. The temperature in this region is so low that only moss, bushes, and a few species of grass can survive here. The permanently frozen ground here is commonly known as Tundra. This area is a huge glacier and if the top layers of this area melt even during summer, huge stretches of land will submerge into the waters. You can find polar bears, penguins wolves, and a unique abundance of birds in this area. So if you are someone who wants to spend time with nature then this place is the perfect destination for you and it is one of the famous tourist places to visit in Russia.

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Peterhof in Russia

The Peterhof Palace is the main landmark of this city even though this city is home to a famous university and a renowned Russian watch manufacturing company. The Peterhof Palace is spread over an area of 4,000 hectares and it was initially planned and constructed in the early 1700s for Tsar Peter in a similar style to the Palace of Versailles.

You can find as many as 173 garden fountains around the palace, some of which are like the Grand Cascade fountains which have unique characteristics such as they turn on the water jets when the visitors approach them. The lower part of the garden has marble sculptures, strolling lanes, and an aviary pavilion. These gardens were constructed in the French style. So, if you want to make your trip memorable make sure to visit this famous tourist place in Russia.

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Volga River in Russia

One of the longest rivers in Russia, Volga stretches in an area of 3700 km. Russia takes immense pride in the Volga River and it is the major source of water for the Russian people. It's interesting to note that Russia has both vast and small water bodies of the world. As this river is the source of the freshwater reservoir, you can find various settlements that have appeared on the banks of this river. This river kept a prominent place in history as it played a great role in the development of ancient Russian trade with the rest of the globe. You can get a boat ride to see the length and the splendor of this river. So if you want to make your trip memorable, make sure to add this location to your list.

Vladivostok in Russia

Vladivostok is the largest port city in Russia which is very close to the border of China and North Korea. This town is a significant railway station on the Trans-Siberian Rail Network. This area was off-limits to the outsiders people during the Soviet Union era. This beautiful town attracts millions of tourists every year. There are numerous parks that are open around the city in the recent past. Sportivnaya Harbor is one such major tourist attraction in the city. You can witness ancient architecture such as The Ruskky Bridge in this city which is 1885 meters long.

Trans-Siberian Railway in Russia

The Historic Trans-Siberian railway network is word most extended train network in the world. This train runs from Moscow to Vladivostok which is a Russian city bordering North Korea and China. The construction of this railway network was started by Tsar Alexander III in the year 1891 and his son Tsar Nicholas II completed his work in 1916. It is also known as Roads of the Tsar. The train compartment has first-second and third-class sleepers coaches in it and some of them have private bathrooms and showers. People use these trains to communicate between the two sites during the night. So if you want to see the border side of Russia and the village of Russia, make sure to add this place to your list. This train passes through a suburb of Russia where you can get a peep into villagers' lives in Russia.

Kizhi Island in Russia

Located in the Northwestern part of Russia Kizhi Island is a part of the Karelia area which shares its border with Finlan and the White Sea. This place is widely known for its magnificent open-air museum. Karelians lived in this area since the 13th century and this area is split between Eastern and Western civilizations. This island has famous The Church of the Transfiguration of Our Saviour which is a 120-foot tall building which has 22 domes. Numerous wooden homes, windmills churches and barns are the other famous tourist attractions in the city. You can see the craft shows and folks groups which serve as a representation of the rural culture of Russia.

So if you want to get a historical taste during your vacation, make sure to visit this island as it is one of the most famous tourist places in Russia.

Saint Basil's Cathedral in Russia

St. Basil Cathedral church is located in the center city of Moscow. This church was constructed in the years 1554 and 1561 and it is one of the most popular tourist destinations of Russia. Tourists came here due to its unusual architectural plan rather than its internal ancient artifacts. The architecture of this church is created to replicate the shape of a bonfire in full flame and it is exclusive to the era in which it was constructed. It is said that there is no other building on the planet like the St. Basil Catherdal. So, if you are planning a trip to Russia, make sure to add this location to your list.

Sophia Cathedral, Novgorod Russia

Novgorod is one of the oldest cities in Russia and it is home to Saint Sophia Cathedral which is located on the ground of the Kremlin. This cathedral is the oldest structure in Russia which is 125 feet tall and it is decorated with 5 magnificent domes. You may find numerous historic sacred objects at the Saint Sophia Cathedral which include the sign of the mother God, an image that according to the mythology, protected the Novgorod city from invasion in 1169. The three renowned carved gates are as old as 800 years old. So if you want to get a sense of ancient cathedral churches and want to see the architecture of the 11th century, then this place is just made for you. St. Sophia Cathedral is one of the best places to visit in Russia for visitors.

Famous Food of Russia

Russia may not be the first place that comes to our minds when it comes to food, but that is not the case. This country serves a variety of mouthwatering food which will surely tempt your taste buds. Russia has diversity in its foods also as the country is impacted by different nations because Russia is connected with Asia, Europe as well as Middle East which astounds the foodie.

The cuisine of Russia represents the unique geographical characteristics of this vast land and you see the distinctive cultures and Christian values. Here we have mentioned a few mouth-watering foods that you should have while you are leaving Russia.

  1. Pelmeni
  2. Blini (Russian pancakes)
  3. Kasha
  4. Borscht
  5. Pirozhki
  6. Shashlik
  7. Syrniki

Best Time to Visit Russia

Russia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world to visit. June is considered to be the perfect season as the weather is warm but not sweltering at the same time which makes this place an ideal location for seeing the city and the countryside. In the month of June, the mean temperature goes up to 22 degrees Celcius in Moscow and 20 degrees Celcius in St. Petersburg. You can get lots of sunlight and also afternoon showers. The number of footfalls started increasing by the end of June.

Russia Day is celebrated on 12 June which is a significant festival of Russia celebrated in that month. Shops are closed and you can witness the most spectacular military parades on the noisy streets of Russia.

Way to Reach Russia

By Air

One of the safest and quickest ways of transportation from India to Russia is by air. There are multiple direct flights from major cities of India to Russia. There are several other flights that offer connecting flights between Indian and Russia, Air India offers you a direct flight to Russia. There are 270 airports in Russia out of which Domodedovo International Airport located in Moscow is the busiest among all. From there you can get a metro to the city center and a bus will take 30min from the metro station to the city center of Moscow. But if you arrive Moscow in late light then probably you can hire a cab to your hotel room. You can find several cab services at the airport and few of them allow advance booking. 

By Road

Though this country is spread over a vast area, Russia is connected by a vast network of road connectivity and well-maintained roads with a few anomalies in it. There are several entry gates into Russia from its neighboring countries including China, Norway, Belarus, Finland, Georgia, Estonia Latvia, and Ukraine. Make sure that you have all the proper documents and if you are driving by yourself into the nation then the Russian border checkpoints are rigorous. Sometimes, the waiting period may be there and you have to wait for hours to complete your crossing.

By Sea

Russia is also connected with direct ocean routes from Finland, Turkey, Denmark, Estonia South Korea, and Japan. St. Petersburg Vladivostok and Moscow are the major port on the Russian side that welcome foreign boats to the country. You can also go to Russia through Boat, all you have to do is make sure that your boat is relaxing and outfitted.

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